Have you tried exclusion targeting?

In Power Editor, you can exclude folks you DON’T want to hit. For Google PPC veterans, this is the equivalent of negative keywords. For example, if you ran a personals site, you’d bid on “dating”, but have “carbon” as a negative to not match on “carbon dating”. With Facebook, we can choose targets and exclude audiences within them.  For example, …

How Will Facebook Graph Search Change Sponsored Results?

With Facebook’s announcement of Graph Search, marketers anxiously awaited to see how they could take advantage of the new real estate. Look at all that space! Last fall, “Sponsored Results” started appearing in the search bar. Even though there isn’t much traffic, these ad units are surprisingly powerful. We’ve seen CTR in the 5-10% range, and CPCs of $0.05 – …

What is a Social Media Professor?

With social media becoming the main channel of interaction, establishments such as the University of Louisville now offer courses in it. Also jumping on this trend, University of Florida offers a Masters in Social Media. Hofstra University has worked with us to create a social media curriculum, using our ContentFactory University partnership program where we assist teaching social media and analytics …

The cheapest and most ridiculous way to get people’s attention

I like to input text into sign generators. Then post these on Facebook to get the attention of friends and clients.  Put your message on a church sign, “For Dummies” book cover, stadium megatron, supermarket register, pawn shop, post-it note, or even construction signal. Be memorable. Be humorous. Especially if you’re too cheap to buy a real card or thoughtful …

Two ads, one pageview

The benefit of having multiple campaigns is that you can take more than one of the 7 RHS (Right-Hand Side) ads. In Google, you can serve your ad in only one of the 10 spots. One ad per domain. But apparently Facebook doesn’t enforce this rule. In outdoor advertising (such as on subway trains), a company will buy all the …

Why you shouldn’t buy our software

First off, it’s just awful. But the other reason is that you might not have enough data to have anything meaningful to look at. We’re known for doing beautiful real-time visualizations (that’s a live link to 1% of everything happening on twitter. But for most companies, if we monitor your mentions real-time, you’ll be waiting a long time between tweets. We’re also known …