Do you know the “prescription” for effectiveness?

Here’s a “secret” in business…. If you’re hitting the goals, clients rarely want to dig deep into the details. But if you’re not, they will ask questions. Just because we can get super finely detailed in digital marketing doesn’t mean we should. Prior to surgery, do you really want to know the fine details of the procedure? It shouldn’t matter …

Age Is Just A Number – Know What Counts

by Ben Dahl There are two commonly held misconceptions people have.       Young people are on social media all the time. They’re naturally good at this stuff, and will get awesome results for my business.       The reason my social media is failing is because I trusted a young person to manage it. They’re young and don’t understand what they’re doing. Often, …

Don’t Make Me Chase You

Don’t make me chase you– because every step that I take doing so is a step back from making progress. We’re not in grade school anymore, and playing tag over email isn’t very much fun. When you say you’ll do something and then don’t, it makes me feel like you did so with your fingers crossed behind your back. We’re …

How to avoid fear and get things done

The biggest problem we have faced as a company is flakiness— smart, well-meaning people who for whatever reason can’t seem to show up on time, turn their stuff in, or do simple tasks. Why? It’s because of fear. Overcoming fear becomes harder as you get older, just like changing old habits. This is a recurring theme with people who have …

Why get rich quick schemes are like strangers offering candy to children.

Remember the advice “don’t talk to strangers or adults offering you candy” as a child? When you’re a marketer, would you accept if someone offered you a program that makes $17,000 per day that sets up in less than 10 minutes? Uh, no. We shouldn’t touch get rich people. Replace the candy with “easy” schemes designed to lure you in. Like …

Hey Millennials: Get a job!

Young adults face an increasing chasm between the education system and a sustainable income. To better understand the challenges, I’ve been reading “Higher Education in America” by Derek Bok, who was president of Harvard for 20 years. It’s what you expect from someone so scholarly– 479 pages of well-researched critique, presented ever so tactfully. To save you the time, here …