How to Boost Your Speaking and Consulting Career Through Perceived Authority

I had the honor of being the keynote speaker at the Thrive Winter Workshop 2023, organized by the National Speakers Association (NSA),  where I spoke and demonstrated how perceived authority could be built by leveraging the power of short-form videos. Despite being almost 50, I have a best-selling book on social media, specifically TikTok, co-authored with Perry Marshall. Our book …

Your Personal Brand Secretly Powers Your Company Brand

Introduction At an internal training session for the staff of Rosetta Stone, a language learning company, on personal branding, I walked them through the step-by-step process of how to build a personal brand and how it is a forerunner to building the corporate brand. You organize your personal brand; assemble, tune, and amplify your assets via the Personal Brand Manager. …

John Assaraf teaches me 5 ways to overcome procrastination

If you ever get the chance to sit down with John Assaraf, listen closely, since he will change your life. Here’s what he told me, as I best recall: As someone who has studied the habits of successful people for decades, I’ve learned that one of the biggest challenges that prevents people from achieving their goals is procrastination. Millionaires and …

Building Lasting Connections: The Power of Empathy in Business and Marketing

In an episode of Office Hours held on December 7, 2022, we talked about how successful CEOs and business leaders use the power of empathy to build their businesses. The Power of Empathy in Building Successful Businesses It is essential for leaders to be willing to do the work, even the things that others may consider beneath them. They should …

Personal Branding: The Bridge to Increased Conversions

Many people, such as motivational speakers, authors, coaches, entrepreneurs, and figureheads, are talking about personal branding. And many people are trying to build their companies and drive traffic, conversions, and sales. Having a clear vision and mission for your brand helps to align your values with the products or services you are offering. This connection creates a bridge between building …

Building a Personal Brand Through Media and Content

Are you the owner of a successful business seeking to expand your brand and boost your visibility? In this episode, I sit down with the world’s leading customer service speaker and New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author, Shep Hyken, who has 39 years of experience, operates a virtual training center, and has recently written an article about …

Invest in LIGHTHOUSE Relationships

How do we overcome clients and partners who think they are pros but aren’t? Who keeps insisting on their point of view, even if blatantly wrong? Who Are LIGHTHOUSE Clients I’ve had clients who pay us $100,000 a month and some $1,000 a month. Here is what I’ve noticed as the key differences. The former don’t demand as much and …

10 Secrets to Successful Freelancing

Are you aiming for a successful freelancing career, trying to grow your freelancing and your agency, so you can make more money?  Fiverr is a great place, and Fiverr is a great partner; however, we know that there are so many little pitfalls and different things when you’re trying to get high-paying freelancing gigs. What are the secrets of successful …

Do Videos on Every Single Platform

This is an extract from Tom Ferry Podcat Experience with Jason Pantana and me, where we discussed video content creation and repurposing. Video Recording and Editing There are a lot of tools that will edit videos that are natively inside Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. or integrate with email when you reply back. But the key is literally just using video …

personal Branding

Supercharge Your Personal Brand With the SAE Framework

Are you trying to grow your personal brand, but do not know how? Maybe a lot of you may be new in a certain vertical or industry. What can you do? How can you supercharge your personal brand? There are a lot of myths, though Myth is a myth, there are a lot of myths out there as to what …

How to Rank on Anyone’s Name

Ranking in digital marketing typically refers to the position at which a website or webpage appears in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or search queries. When someone searches for a particular term, search engines like Google display a list of relevant websites, videos, and other content ranked in order of perceived relevance and authority. When ranking …

Personal Branding Success via the Content Factory

Mortgage and real estate professionals are an aging or older industry as a whole. They are deemed to be the people who are not fond of the term “Personal Brand” and prefer the term “digitizing reputation” instead.  I am super glad to be invited by Phil Treadwell to talk about how people from the Mortgage or Real Estate Industry can …