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Build Value Ladders. Win Sales, Profits, Customers

How do you bring an open audience all the way up to people who are purchasing products or who are VIP customers? The answer is simple – the value ladder. Some people call it the ascension path or a funnel where they have all kinds of other words for the idea that you build an audience through free content. In …

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Lawyer Content Marketing at Scale (5 strategies)

Lawyers are busy. Here is one of the best ways for them to do their content marketing at scale: In this example, we take a raw forty-minute video interview and turn it into several pieces of marketable content.  In the video below, Dennis talks with immigration attorney Sung-Ho Hwang from about immigration challenges in the tech, marketing, and business …

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BC- Basecamp

An online collaboration app that lets people manage their work together and communicate with one another. With built-in email integration features, now your team can send messages, post to-do lists with files and texts documents only by using an email. How cool is that? Projects You can organize projects into different categories and assign them to your team.


4 Secret Words To Communicate Well

Whenever a salesperson engages in communication, it takes skill, practice, and using these four secret words to be able to convey what they mean. Consider applying the RACI model (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) for any particular task in question in order to communicate effectively. To be effective at communicating means you’ll be effective at iterating and delegating. Don’t let …

Our Courses and Academy are FREE for a limited time!

My friend, Ali, told me he got laid off today. Not sure how he’s able to pay rent due at the end of the month, pay his bills, or care for his kids. Other restaurant and retail workers are losing their jobs– and it’s not their fault. My heart breaks. Same for workers everywhere– even entrepreneurs and agencies– as Corona …