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Lawyer Content Marketing at Scale (5 strategies)

Lawyers are busy. Here is one of the best ways for them to do their content marketing at scale: In this example, we take a raw forty-minute video interview and turn it into several pieces of marketable content.  In the video below, Dennis talks with immigration attorney Sung-Ho Hwang from about immigration challenges in the tech, marketing, and business …

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BC- Basecamp

An online collaboration app that lets people manage their work together and communicate with one another. With built-in email integration features, now your team can send messages, post to-do lists with files and texts documents only by using an email. How cool is that? Projects You can organize projects into different categories and assign them to your team.

The Importance of Lightweight Touches

Why Tucker makes me smile. When I see a steady set of frequent, lightweight touches, I know he’s on top of his projects. That means communication is happening, clients know that someone is actually there, and we’re moving things along. A frequent, lightweight touch takes only a moment to actually do, but can sometimes take months or even never– because …

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Business PR and Digital PR: 9 Ways New PR Strategies Help Hype Brands

Brand story, differentiation, and positioning are all important parts of building a business, but there is one thing that binds all of these together: effective communication. If you don’t communicate and message your brand to the outside world, all the work you do in the shadows won’t get noticed.  That’s where a good business PR strategy comes into play and, …

Clubhouse has some serious value, but a few flaws.

Thousands of posts have been shared online about Clubhouse, the app marketers, entrepreneurs, and entertainers are raving about. My mentor, Dennis Yu, invited me to the app and into my first room as a speaker —I suddenly shared the stage with some extremely authoritative entrepreneurs, but with zero context. I’m a nobody… but my name was right next to Dan …

Our Courses and Academy are FREE for a limited time!

My friend, Ali, told me he got laid off today. Not sure how he’s able to pay rent due at the end of the month, pay his bills, or care for his kids. Other restaurant and retail workers are losing their jobs– and it’s not their fault. My heart breaks. Same for workers everywhere– even entrepreneurs and agencies– as Corona …

Why am I seeing a “continuation” thread in Basecamp?

Gmail has a 100-comment limit per thread. So when we’re getting close to that number of comments, we start a continuation thread that references the original thread. If you’re a client, this is a good thing, since it means we’ve gone through a lot of communication and iteration cycles to tune your campaigns. Rather than wait to 100 comments in …