Magdy Kotb: The Transformational Clothing Coach

Magdy Kotb, a seasoned retail professional and the founder of The Clothing Coach, found his true calling when a chance encounter at his last retail position ignited a passion within him. Having worked in the clothing industry, specifically men’s suiting, he never anticipated the profound impact he would have on people’s lives. One fateful day, a couple entered the store, …

A Conversation Between Frankie Fihn and Dennis About the Content Factory

Dennis got on a call with Frankie Fihn, owner of Beyond Agency Profits, where he explained his whole process and how agencies like Frankie’s can benefit from it. Here is the condensed version of that conversation. The Content Factory Explained Dennis explains that the Content Factory is organized into four phases. He says that the first one, producing content, is …

Navigating the Consulting vs. Agency Dilemma: A Guide for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

I am often asked by aspiring entrepreneurs whether they should start a consultancy firm. One of the biggest mistakes to avoid in your entrepreneurial journey is placing too much emphasis on consulting services. While it may be tempting to engage in consulting due to your prior experience as an employee and familiarity with the work, it’s important to be aware …

Kaqun Water: A Unique Therapeutic Water Enriched with Oxygen

Introduction and Background Kaqun water, a unique therapeutic water enriched with oxygen, has garnered attention for its remarkable healing properties and rejuvenating effects on the body. Through case studies and research findings, Kaqun water has demonstrated its ability to promote tissue regeneration, alleviate scars, address respiratory conditions, and potentially support cancer treatment. By enhancing oxygen delivery to cells and improving …

Google Grants

The Free $10,000 From Google That Most Nonprofits Aren’t Taking Advantage of

I want to shed some light on how nonprofits can make the most out of Google Grants. Google Grants is a fantastic resource for nonprofits, offering up to $10,000 in monthly advertising funds if you have a 501(c)(3) status. But many nonprofits struggle to optimize their grants effectively. We’ve been working closely with Google for 17 years, conducting webinars to …

IMG 2077

I Love to E-E-A-T

25 years ago, I was a search engine engineer. My job was to protect people from all the different tools.  Over the years, tools have changed. They’ve gotten more sophisticated, but they’re still tools. Danny Sullivan, who now works at Google has said the same thing.  Many of us have heard of Google’s quality guidelines, E-A-T. They have now changed …