The Content Factory
The 4 Stages of the Content Factory
Let’s break down the stages of the Content Factory to understand how each step contributes to your digital marketing success.
The Content Factory is a four-stage strategy designed to maximize the impact of your best content across various platforms. The four stages are: Produce, Process, Post, Promote.
In some cases, we expand this into a six-stage process to ensure a solid digital foundation is in place. This additional setup phase, called Plumbing, establishes the necessary groundwork for the Content Factory to function effectively.
Once we’ve identified the most effective content using Metrics, Analysis, and Action (MAA), we fine-tune it in the final stage, Perform, to achieve optimal results.
The six-stages of the Content Factory (expanded)
But here’s the key: The Content Factory isn’t just a one-way street from Plumbing to Perform. It’s a continuous cycle. After hitting a home run with your content in Perform, you take it back to Process, repurpose it, and run it through the cycle again to squeeze out every last drop of value.
Once you’ve set up the foundation with stages 1 (Plumbing) and 2 (Produce), your content moves in a loop: Process → Post → Promote → Perform → and back to Process to keep repurposing and optimizing your winning content.