Using AI to Get More Home Listings for Real Estate Agents

Chris Scott invited me to the Chris & Gary show, where we discussed how AI, like ChatGPT, drives leads and listings for real estate agents.

Understanding How AI Sources Its Information

Where is the information ChatGPT uses coming from?

It’s sourced from Google, scraping the internet, websites, social media, Twitter, books, and videos.

For example, if I type in ChatGPT, “Who is Chris Scott of paperless agent?” the following is the output;

ChatGPT gives info about Chris Scott

ChatGPT is getting info about Chris Scott (President, The Paperless Agent) somewhere from Google, hence the output above.

Using Search Results Insights to Create Marketing Impact

Googling yourself and checking Facebook profiles are common activities. But what if there was a deeper way to show yourself online beyond just the search engine results? That’s where AI comes in, giving a glimpse into a more detailed digital identity.

Take Chris Scott, for example. A quick search shows basic facts and many connections and insights.

Facebook search result for Chris Scott

It’s about showcasing relationships, affiliations, and experiences—a level of depth traditional search engines often miss.

AI isn’t just about self-discovery; it’s a powerful helper in marketing. While some view it as merely an assistant, its true value lies in guiding and making critical decisions, not just performing tasks.

Think about this: in the field of martial arts promotion, we can’t just use simple questions. By using AI’s creativity, we can find new and clever solutions. For example, creating an acronym like “DOJO” to shape marketing plans for karate schools shows how powerful the tool can be.


Furthermore, exploring the People Also Ask (PAA) section uncovers a goldmine of insights.


When a prospect searches for “Sell my home in Austin, Texas,” traditional agents may focus solely on listings. However, AI uncovers a list of related queries—questions about market trends, pricing, and more—hidden within the PAA section. Crafting targeted content to address these inquiries showcases expertise and signals relevance to search engines, elevating an agent’s online presence in a competitive landscape.

Utilizing AI Strategically to Elevate Your Brand and Increase Home Listings

While many may opt for the convenience of instructing AI to generate web pages tailored to specific queries like “Austin real estate agent” or “How to sell my home in Austin,” this approach falls short of maximizing the technology’s potential.

For example, below is the result you get if you don’t give better instructions to AI such as ChatGPT.

home listings

To truly stand out while using AI, it’s essential to go beyond the surface and provide insights that resonate with search engines and potential clients. Instead of just using SEO-friendly words, think about the details of each search and provide helpful, practical advice that shows your knowledge and authority in the subject.

For example, I gave ChatGPT clear instructions below: “I want a better title and please write in the voice of Tom Ferry, And do it for Circle C”, so that the output is great.

home listings

I have used Tom Ferry in the example above because he is well-known in the real estate niche. In fact, I hosted a masterclass with him about digital marketing.

The concept of E-E-A-T—Expertise, Authority, Trust, and Experience—plays a pivotal role in this approach. By showcasing your depth of knowledge and firsthand experiences, you improve your search engine rankings and build trust and credibility with potential clients.

But AI’s potential doesn’t stop at text generation. By harnessing multimedia content and location data, you can create immersive experiences that resonate with your audience on a deeper level. Tools like Descript and CapCut empower you to transform raw assets into compelling content that captivates and engages.

Using Descript to convert raw video to a blog post

Standing out in the competitive real estate landscape requires a strategic approach to AI. By leveraging its capabilities to provide valuable insights, personalize your content, and create immersive experiences, you can position yourself as a trusted authority and differentiate your brand digitally.

Maximizing AI’s Potential: Transforming Raw Inputs Into Dynamic Content

Using AI effectively is more than just creating content. It’s about turning basic information into diverse, engaging content that connects with your audience on different platforms.

At the heart of this approach lies the Content Factory concept, consisting of four different stages. The first stage involves capturing the essence of your expertise and experiences through images and videos, ideally using tools like iPhones for optimal performance.

Content factory
The four stages of the Content Factory

The true magic happens in the subsequent stages, particularly in the second phase—the red box process. Here, AI-driven tools like ChatGPT come into play, processing raw multimedia assets and transforming them into engaging content. This transformative process enables you to repurpose existing content effortlessly, whether it’s converting a written post into a LinkedIn article or crafting captivating social media hooks.

In the third stage, AI tools excel at chopping up and repurposing content across various platforms with just a few clicks. From YouTube videos to Instagram stories, AI effortlessly empowers real estate agents to establish a robust online presence.

Why Creating a Trusted Signal is Better Than Being a Brand

Strategic utilization of AI is pivotal for real estate agents aiming to establish a prominent digital footprint. This becomes evident when examining search results for industry professionals like Chris Scott, President of Paperless Agent.

When I looked up Chris Scott, I found different listings and profiles, although some details didn’t always match up.

home listings
Search results for Chris Scott

Nonetheless, the key lies in creating a consistent and credible digital presence across multiple platforms. Making sure your information is confirmed and checked from different sources boosts your online credibility. This shows that your content is trustworthy and important to search engines such as Google.

This confirmed signal is crucial in generating features like the knowledge panel—a comprehensive overview of an individual’s digital presence. Such features increase visibility and enhance credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential clients.

Dennis Yu’s Knowledge Panel

Moreover, strategic content creation is essential for maximizing online presence. You can optimize your chances of appearing in relevant search results by consistently producing content that aligns with your expertise and desired keywords. This content can range from informative videos showcasing your role as a listing agent to insightful articles highlighting your industry insights.

However, it’s not just about creating content—it’s about leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT, Descript, and Memories to distribute and amplify that content across various platforms effectively.

Optimizing Engagement for Real Estate Agents With Dollar-a-Day Strategy

The Dollar-a-Day strategy isn’t about chasing fame but amplifying what resonates with your audience. Real estate agents can send powerful ranking signals to platforms like Google and Facebook by promoting content that gets high engagement for just a dollar a day. This isn’t just about getting attention; it’s a strategic move to take advantage of what’s working.

When content performs well organically, whether it’s a compelling listing presentation or an engaging property walkthrough, it’s crucial to leverage the Dollar-a-Day approach to drive even more traffic. By identifying what resonates with your audience and strategically promoting it across various platforms, you’re letting the system do the heavy lifting for you. Whether it’s YouTube, Facebook, or Google My Business, the key is to allocate resources where they yield the highest returns, allowing you to maximize engagement and ultimately enhance your online presence.

Empowering Real Estate Agents: Leveraging Human-Centered AI

A strange contradiction appears: those who prioritize human values are set to succeed. Despite what many think, being successful in the age of AI isn’t just about being good with technology; it depends on having a rich human experience and strong relationships.

I’ve talked with top AI engineers, and they’ve shared an important idea: the future of AI isn’t just about the best programmers anymore. It’s about using human-centered approaches. Making AI tools available to everyone levels the playing field. What matters most are the good things we bring to the table—our experiences, relationships, and insights.

By feeding AI platforms with authentic content and real-world experiences, real estate agents can amplify their online presence and elevate their professional profiles. Every interaction and every relationship becomes an asset, enriching the digital ecosystem and strengthening one’s online influence.

In essence, the competitive advantage lies not in outperforming AI but in collaborating. Real estate agents can leverage AI as a co-creator, transforming everyday moments and interactions into valuable content that resonates with audiences.

Key Takeaways

Embracing AI as a tool for real estate success involves understanding and implementing four crucial phases:

  • Capture Authentic Experiences: Utilize everyday interactions and experiences to capture authentic content, whether it’s through photos, videos, or conversations.
  • Leverage AI Tools: Embrace AI-driven platforms like ChatGPT to transform raw content into polished, SEO-friendly materials tailored for various platforms.
  • Amplify Online Presence: Distribute content across multiple channels, including social media, websites, and email newsletters, to enhance online visibility and engagement.
  • Optimize Reputation Management: Leverage AI to curate and amplify your online reputation, a key factor in attracting clients and securing listings.

Real estate agents can effectively enhance their online presence and stand out in a crowded digital landscape by feeding AI platforms with authentic content and allowing them to work their magic. Remember, these tools aren’t reserved for tech-savvy individuals; they’re accessible to anyone willing to harness their power.

So, whether you’re a seasoned agent or new to the field, embracing AI-driven solutions can revolutionize your approach to marketing, client acquisition, and reputation management. Don’t let intimidation hold you back—empower yourself with AI and watch your real estate endeavours thrive.

Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu is co-author of the #1 best-selling book on Amazon in social media, The Definitive Guide to TikTok Ads.  He has spent a billion dollars on Facebook ads across his agencies and agencies he advises. Mr. Yu is the "million jobs" guy-- on a mission to create one million jobs via hands-on social media training, partnering with universities and professional organizations.You can find him quoted in major publications and on television such as CNN, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, NPR, and LA Times. Clients have included Nike, Red Bull, the Golden State Warriors, Ashley Furniture, Quiznos-- down to local service businesses like real estate agents and dentists. He's spoken at over 750 conferences in 20 countries, having flown over 6 million miles in the last 30 years to train up young adults and business owners. He speaks for free as long as the organization believes in the job-creation mission and covers business class travel.You can find him hiking tall mountains, eating chicken wings, and taking Kaqun oxygen baths-- likely in a city near you.