Additional Resources

The Task Library

We have a dedicated page called the Task Library, a comprehensive resource for repetitive tasks our virtual assistants perform. This web page complements our extensive 1,000 Tasks Library, a collection of documented tasks we have compiled over the years. These libraries are invaluable tools that enable individuals to tackle various tasks with ease. Click on the links below to visit the libraries.

The Task Library

1,000 Tasks Library

Virtual Assistant Access Page

We have created a dedicated web page to facilitate access to our extensive collection of photos and videos in the Content Factory. This page provides detailed instructions on how team members can access these resources. Click the link below to visit the page and gain access.

How To Obtain Access to Content Factory Photos and Videos

In addition to the web page, we have created a convenient Google Space called "Access - Password Request Center." This space is the central hub where team members can request access to various resources. By now, you should already have access to this space.

How to Document a Task

As part of our commitment to knowledge sharing and collaboration within the team, we strongly encourage everyone to document their tasks since it enables others to benefit from our collective expertise and experience. Each team member possesses unique skills and knowledge acquired through the repetitive accomplishment of tasks.

By creating comprehensive training materials and establishing a dedicated web page for these tasks, we can effectively teach and guide other team members in understanding and replicating these tasks. Our goal is to foster a culture of continuous learning and development within our organization.

It promotes consistency and efficiency and empowers team members to tackle tasks effectively. By sharing our knowledge, we not only support the growth of our team members but also contribute to the overall success of the team and the organization as a whole.

To access this valuable resource, please click the link below:

How to Document a Task

Here are some more helpful resources for you:

Content Library: While we have a content library for each client, we also have our own. This Google sheet is regularly updated.

Level 1 Virtual Assistant Guide

BlitzMetrics Website (old domain)

Content Factory Website (new domain)

Content Factory Academy

Payroll Schedule and How To Create an Invoice

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