Personal Branding Checklist: Steps to Building Your Online Presence and Becoming a Thought Leader


Personal Branding is about growing your online presence and turning you into a thought leader. When you are passionate about what you do, it reflects in your brand, making people want to work with you. Our checklists provide the framework, but it’s up to you to lay the “plumbing”. This includes connecting all of your social sites and setting up your website. Next, we’ll discover topics and produce original, thought-provoking content. You’ll also grow your network of experts in this phase, giving you knowledgeable friends to collaborate with.

Personal Branding Checklist

❏ Figure out what you stand for (your “why”).

❏ Set up your website and have WordPress installed and configured.

❏ Make sure you have profiles on all major social networks.

❏ Set up Facebook Authorship.

❏ Create profiles on social-supporting sites.

❏ Write content that connects to your “WHY” via the content pyramid.

❏ Create and implement checklists based on your knowledge and expertise.

❏ Identify your top content and keep track of your positive mentions.

❏ Identify and reach out to the top five influencers in your field of interest by commenting intelligently on their posts.

❏ Generate more authority by interviewing influencers and guest posting on other blogs.

❏ Speak at conferences.