A few months ago Lisa T. Miller joined our program to be AYG certified. Lisa is the Founder of VIE Healthcare Consulting and showed interest in joining our paid program for agency owners in different verticals.
The goal for this program was to build local service agencies who can serve various niches that are in an LSA category. With her healthcare consulting background, we figured this could be the perfect opportunity to help build her agency.
Shortly after we announced the program’s creation – she reached out and expressed interest in joining.

Everything seemed clear on our end. This was someone who we believed would take our program and succeed, especially with her background in medical sales.
While visiting another client in Boca Raton, Lisa stopped by to visit myself, Parker, and Danny – young adults who also believed in the mission of helping local service businesses. In her own words, our conversation and advice was “wonderful”.
On May 9th, 2024 Lisa T. Miller reached out again requesting to be enrolled in our AYG certification program for $10,000. The program offerings included the basics to grow her digital marketing agency by conducting Are You Googleable audits.
Within 24 hours of her paying our team, we setup her Basecamp account (where should could message our team) and have access to all of our trainings and support.
The requirements, time commitment, and obligations were clear from the start and she knew the responsibilities. The problems began shortly thereafter in emails not being answered, site updates we recommended not being completed, and meetings being ignored.
As you can see in the email below, we were practically spoonfeeding her solid leads.
We even invited Lisa out to a private mastermind in Dallas – which she happily took advantage of.
During this private mastermind with Roger Wakefield, Parker Nathans, and Danny Leibrandt, we discussed the responsibilities of all those involved. That Parker, Danny, and Lisa would have different verticals and would follow the blueprint in our courses.
After our meeting – things went dark on Lisa’s side. Emails weren’t responded to, website changes weren’t being made, and our weekly Office Hours (where she could get 1-1 support) weren’t being attended.
Instead, she preferred to message me 1-1 and outright not follow our very clear instructions.
In addition to our structured program, I personally went above and beyond to help Lisa grow her digital marketing agency. This included:
- Lining up speaking opportunities for her.
- Creating marketing assets specifically tailored to her needs.
- Inviting her to exclusive masterminds.
- Allowing her access to our weekly coaching calls (which she rarely attended).
She also got to keep all materials, training, resources, and time we provided free of charge. Despite her lack of participation, our team continuously reached out to support her growth.
There is not one part of our program we didn’t fulfill for her– and we stand proudly behind what we’ve done for her, whether she acknowledges it or not– or is even aware of it (see the many messages our team sent her where she wouldn’t or couldn’t respond).
On June 25th, 2024 she sent us an email requesting a full refund for her $10,000 she spent with us months ago.
Lisa Miller’s argument was that I was giving too much 1-1 support to others instead of her – despite the fact that she never attended our office hours or followed our very clear instructions.
This was despite me inviting her to speak on stage with me in Florida, which she didn’t even reply to. But in Lisa’s world, she was willing to offer us her time, even though she’s never successfully grown any agency before and was a massive time waster on our end.
In response to my email, Lisa bizarrely points to Mia Jenkins, the daughter of my friend Jeremy who runs Crown Restoration, a restoration company in San Antonio. Unlike Lisa, Mia wants to help her dad run Crown Restoration and has attended Office Hours with our team and followed our steps.
According to Lisa T. Miller, my email was “bullying”, and that I was trying to shame her.
Even though at this point we’ve already lost thousands of dollars in potential clients (since she didn’t follow our steps or attend any meetings), I offered her a 50% refund as an incredible act of kindness.
You can guess how the rest of our conversion went. Accusatory, and pretending like she gave AYG “resources”. Keep in mind, Lisa has had access to all of our training from the beginning which she never watched or used. Mia did not get any extra training.
Lisa then proceeds to threaten us with a lawsuit.
Lisa continues her meltdown by not only threatening me personally – but our entire team who’s poured countless hours into trying to get her to perform what’s documented in our training.
Despite her threatening the livelihoods of people that work with us – I offered her one last chance to take the 50%.
A day later, she posted a link to our Glassdoor reviews, citing that as “evidence”.
This “lawsuit” never materialized, of course. Probably because she knew she was being dramatic and had no proof that she had been defrauded. Instead, she went to Paypal directly and put in a payment dispute in a last ditch effort to get $10,000 from our team.
For context on Paypal disputes, Paypal tends to side with the buyer 90% of the time. Unless your case is rock solid, the buyer almost always wins. Never-the-less, we submitted our evidence to Paypal which you can read here:
As annoying as someone trying to steal $10,000 from our team is – what’s worse is that it froze our Paypal account. Meaning we couldn’t process transactions from others who wanted to pay us.
Miraculously, Lisa’s case against us was so empty that a few weeks later the case was resolved in our favor.
Unfortunately for us, Lisa continued to resubmit disputes on her end. And months later on her 5th attempt, Paypal decided in her favor anyways.
So there you have it. Lisa Miller has successfully stolen $10,000 from our team, despite our months of helping her, flying her to masterminds, and inviting her on stage.
Her response was not cooperative. She accused us of bullying and threatened legal action, despite the months of effort we put into supporting her. Lisa eventually filed a dispute with PayPal, freezing our account and causing significant disruptions to our operations. And she got 100% of her money back.
What got her so furious was that she wanted to be a part of another client’s private conversations– to which we said it wasn’t relevant to her nor did we have permission from that other client. You can see everything was going well prior to this emotional tantrum. After multiple disputes and a final decision in her favor, she managed to reclaim $10,000 from our team.
Since PayPal has decided in her favor after multiple disputes, we have little hope of recouping our money. So instead, we’ve decided to publish an article outlining exactly how Lisa T. Miller operates when working with other businesses.
After failing in her niche for healthcare providers, it appears that she’s now working in “mastering executive selling” – using the same website template we built for her for no free (which other companies sell for $5k+).
The point of this article is to rank on Lisa T. Miller’s name and show others the kind of behavior she has towards businesses she works with. If you’re planning on working with Lisa, be aware that this is how she operates and don’t expect her to be reliable or trustworthy.
The long-lasting effects of Lisa’s temper tantrum still harm our team. Our Paypal account has yet to be restored, meaning we’ve had to find alternative ways to pay our employees and team-members.
She privately messaged Danny, one of our young adults, in a way which was vaguely threatening saying “I’m surprised that you have been silent about this. I would have expected better of you…”
Was this supposed to be a threat? Considering she’s already threatened legal action against me personally, is she targeting 20 year old agency owners as well?
Lisa, if you’re reading this, there’s still time to make things right and refund the $10,000 to our team. If not for me personally, than for the young adults and our employees who’ve spent countless hours trying to train you.
Update: It looks like Lisa has been added as the “CCO” of TOBY, a company which claims to help detect prostate cancer in urine. If true, would be a very bad decision on their end given Lisa’s history.