How DWI Criminal Law Center Can Improve Their SEO and Get More Clients In Missouri

Kim’s DWI Law Center, originally known as the Benjamin Law Firm, rebranded in 2017 to focus more sharply on DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) and criminal law.

Much of the issues they’ve encountered deal with leads not clear on what they offer as services.

Despite a strong keyword presence online, the firm struggled with converting web traffic into tangible client inquiries and case engagements. 

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DWI Criminal Law Center’s SEO Metrics

Some of these backlinks have a great deal of SEO power – including Times Magazine and being linked by Deadspin.

These high value links are important because they signal to Google that our DWI Criminal Law Center is a high authority website.

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DWI’s Most Powerful Backlinks

Their organic search volume is impressive – especially considering the competition. 

Keywords related to legal services almost always have a high-than-average competition rate for ranking.

For example, they’re ranking on position 9 for “Missouri concealed weapons laws” which has a keyword difficulty of 23.

They’re also ranked very high on keywords that aren’t totally relevant to Missouri law. For example, “concurrent vs consecutive”, being ranked at position 5.

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DWI’s Keyword Rankings

On our map grid results, DWI Criminal Law Center ranked well for the keyword “criminal defense lawyer” since they have many reviews and their offices are located in downtown Kansas City.

Our map grid is how certain related terms are rated based off your location. The closer we get to 1 – the better we’re positions for terms we want to rank on.

However, this can be misleading since they only take cases in Missouri and not in Kansas.

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DWI’s LocalFalcon Listing Ranking on Location

What this means is that every dot to the left of Kansas city is irrelevant and they should focus their attention on ranking higher on the Missouri suburbs of Kansas City.

One of the biggest problems for DWI Criminal Law Center is getting leads for services they don’t fulfill. 

For example, the audit Kim mentioned that they’re getting leads from registered sex offenders who want to be removed from the registry. This isn’t a service DWI offers.

Going through the website we can observe that there are pages where those who want these services might see and assume they offer it.

When you visit pages like this one, it’s clear to see where the confusion comes from.

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Page Example For Unclear Services

To prevent unqualified leads, it was recommended to make it very clear on the website what types of cases the firm does and does not handle.

This could involve adjusting the website copy to explicitly state the firm’s focus areas and discouraging contact regarding services they do not offer.

Many of DWI Criminal Law Center’s SEO issues come from not fully adopting E-E-A-T. This stands for experience, expertise, authority, and trust.

DWI has all of these except experience on their website.

Meaning, all the legal terms and explanations are clear and visible (which is good) but fail to relay that they have experience taking cases in their local service area.

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DWI Website Home Page

To improve this, the DWI Criminal Law Center should cite more cases that they’ve won related to the legal pages they already have on their website.

This can reinforce the “E” for experience and broadcast their authority to Google even more for related terms.

DWI Criminal Law Center Should Add Local Service Pages

In the header of their website they include service pages and the cases they take, but make no mention of the areas taken in.

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Lack of Local Service Pages for DWI

To enhance local SEO, developing location service pages for each area the firm serves is highly recommended.

These pages should include specific references to local issues, regulations, and the firm’s capabilities in handling cases in those areas, helping to improve local search rankings.

For example, are there differences in gun laws in Missouri City vs Blue Springs, a suburb of Missouri City?

Adding this info can not only improve their standing with E-E-A-T, but also rank them higher for location based keywords for criminal defense attorneys.

We can even ask ChatGPT for the best location service pages to add based on their GMB.

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ChatGPT Examples For LSPs for DWI

Improving Tracking and Analytics

Setting up what we refer to as “digital plumbing” will be vital in determining lead health.

This includes using tools like Google Tag Manager and analytics to track conversions and user interactions accurately. This setup would help Kim’s law center understand where their leads are coming from and which marketing efforts are effective.

This also would allow them to better target where they’re getting an ROI – and where to further direct their efforts.

Especially since digital marketing in general is just amplifying what’s already working – getting digital plumbing in place is a must.

Using the Content Factory to Enhance what’s Already Working

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BlitzMetrics’ 4 Stage Content Factory Infographic

We teach others the importance of using the content factory for personal brands and other growing businesses.

This includes 4 stages:

  1. Content Creation: Begin by identifying key questions and topics that potential clients are interested in. This can be derived from common “People Also Ask” sections on Google or through direct client feedback. Once these topics are identified, professionals like Kim or other experts at the law center should create detailed and informative content answering these questions. This content should be authentic and reflect the expertise of the law center.
  1. Content Repurposing: After the initial content is created, the next step is to repurpose it across various formats. For instance, a long-form video interview discussing DWI laws could be transcribed into a blog post, broken down into smaller video clips, or even turned into a series of informational graphics.
  1. Content Distribution: Once the content is repurposed into various formats, it should be distributed across multiple channels. This includes the law center’s own website, social media platforms, email newsletters, and possibly paid ads. The goal is to maximize the reach and impact of each piece of content.
  1. Engagement and Optimization: The final stage involves monitoring the performance of the content across all platforms and optimizing it based on engagement metrics. This could mean tweaking the SEO elements of a blog post, promoting popular video clips more heavily, or adjusting the targeting of paid ads.

For example, Kim or her associates could start by recording an interview where they answer frequently asked questions about DWI laws.

This interview could then be transcribed into a comprehensive FAQ page, converted into a series of short videos for YouTube and social media, and summarized in an infographic that could be shared online.

The benefits of this method are multifaceted:

  • SEO Improvement: By targeting specific queries and providing thorough answers, the law center increases its relevance and authority on search engines.
  • Client Engagement: Providing valuable information helps in building trust with potential clients, making them more likely to choose Kim’s law center for their legal needs.
  • Content ROI: Through repurposing, the initial investment in content creation yields multiple pieces of content, improving the overall return on investment.

By adopting Content Factory technique, Kim’s DWI Law Center can effectively enhance its digital marketing strategy, improve its online visibility, and attract more qualified leads, ultimately driving business growth.

Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu is co-author of the #1 best-selling book on Amazon in social media, The Definitive Guide to TikTok Ads.  He has spent a billion dollars on Facebook ads across his agencies and agencies he advises. Mr. Yu is the "million jobs" guy-- on a mission to create one million jobs via hands-on social media training, partnering with universities and professional organizations.You can find him quoted in major publications and on television such as CNN, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, NPR, and LA Times. Clients have included Nike, Red Bull, the Golden State Warriors, Ashley Furniture, Quiznos-- down to local service businesses like real estate agents and dentists. He's spoken at over 750 conferences in 20 countries, having flown over 6 million miles in the last 30 years to train up young adults and business owners. He speaks for free as long as the organization believes in the job-creation mission and covers business class travel.You can find him hiking tall mountains, eating chicken wings, and taking Kaqun oxygen baths-- likely in a city near you.