Content Specialist Role

What will I do as a Content Specialist?
As a Content Specialist, you transcribe audio, manage Quuu submissions, do lightweight editorial and coordination-- listicles, interviews, webinar summaries, & Topic Wheels, gather content to assemble in the Topic Wheel & other components of the client & internal content libraries, etc.
Make no mistake. This role is crucial to what we do as a digital marketing agency. If your English skills are not strong enough, this is not for you. If you are not a fast learner, you will struggle with the training.
You will have to go through a lot of training to learn how our process works from end to end.
Meet Vasanth, our Team Lead for Content
Vasanth is a wizard of content. He came out strong when he joined us and knew immediately what he had to do.
He has helped us get a lot of stalled tasks moving. He's working with clients and helping us provide excellent service. He's an indispensable member of the team.
You can aim to be just as good as Vasanth.
Consider if this role is for you!