Congrats on signing up for an optimization session with me or one of our people.
They say that the best he way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time, and so that’s exactly what we want to do here. We like to take things that are doing well and amplify them.
So, I want you to look at what MAA is.
We have a link to the Digital Marketer article on how do you optimize like a pro. This article will show you the idea that when we find things that are working in your business, we want to sort through those items to be able to amplify them and get more out of your greatest hits. So whether it’s you or it’s someone on your staff, I want you to be ready with those weekly MAA reports that you or your team has assembled.
Make sure you have your content library ready so we can identify those greatest hits and see how they perform and make sure you’re logged in to your ad accounts. It could be your Facebook ads, your Google ads, YouTube ads, Amazon ads, whatever ads.
In a 30 minute session, we’re going to be able to look at what’s worked, tune it, which is just experimentation.
If you’ve been doing things the right way, according to our six phase process called the Content Factory, then you already have been doing this at least every week documented inside Basecamp or whatever the project management system is so we can see what’s working.
We’re not replacing the optimization that we’re doing. We’re helping to be able to optimize maybe a little deeper and see things that you haven’t done.
So make sure you get these items in place before you meet with me or one of our team.
I’m looking forward to seeing you because this is the most powerful thing that you can do in all of digital marketing.
So check out that digital market article in advance and then holler if you have any questions.
Talk soon!