It has been the experience of dozens of prospective VAs that they have insisted on starting at a higher level than they have demonstrated competence. We explain to them every time why the prizes cannot be awarded before they have earned them – a gold medal before they begin training since they are certainly capable of it and would be motivated by it if they received it before they began training.
The beauty of the leveling system is, it’s legitimate. VAs can expand their knowledge by leveling up, as long as they are willing to learn and capable of completing the tasks. We offer a career path that consists of six levels.

- Learning the basics:
- $3/hour
- 2-3 months
- Competence and master of basic checklists.
- #DDD – Do, Delegate, Delete. Demonstrate personal efficiency.
- Specialization:
- $4/hour
- 3-4 months
- Capability to grasp concepts on preferred paths.
- #CID – Communicate, Iterate, Delegate. Learn through iteration, gaining expertise in specific areas.
- Diversification:
- $6/Hour
- 6-12 months
- Capability to mesh specializations.
- Learn a diverse set of skills and gain an understanding of relationships between the various check listed.
- #MAA: Apply metrics, analysis, and action prescribe and implement checklists across several areas of expertise.
- Project Lead:
- $8/hour
- 4-6 months
- Success of project and effective communication among team members.
- Oversee project execution and mentor L1 and L2 as they learn check listed processes.
- #LDT: Learn, Do, and Teach, by coaching and updating training.
- #AEC: Awareness, engagement, conversion. Demonstrate understanding of the sales funnel: the customer’s journey to conversion.
- Project Manager:
- $10/hour
- 4-6 months
- Manage multiple projects while developing checklists for Project Leads to follow.
- #CCS: Integrate learnings from project execution into Content, Checklists, and Software.
- #GCT: Goals, content, strategy: Understand the importance of quantifiable, actionable business goals, validation of mission through content, and owned, earned and paid components of people-based targeting.
- Manager of Managers:
- $12/hour
- Indefinite
- #SBP: Specialist (VA), business, partner: Oversee the flow of incoming VAs, optimizing training and team structure to ensure repeatable excellence in package execution.
- #MOF: Marketing, operations, finance: Master core Business Functions at scale.
While working on Virtual Assistant career path, add one or two sentences regarding their application and the video they submitted when recommending an applicant. (Nothing more and nothing less)
When VAs apply, let’s not only have them use the special animal keyword, but also mention the phase and job they’re applying for when we are communicating about them.
These are the evaluation questions for the group interview, for those who have passed through the initial stages
• We show up 5 minutes before to see who is early, on time, and late. 3 points if more than 3 minutes early. If late, even if only a few seconds, minus 5 points.
• How is their appearance for an interview– not a t-shirt, not on a mobile phone? A score of 3 is great, and 0 is terrible.
• What questions do you have for us before we begin? (of course, we’ve already begun– 3 is thoughtful questions and 0 is terrible.
• From what you’ve learned so far, what is the hardest part of this role? 3 are thoughtful questions and 0 is terrible.
• How do you deal with an unhappy client? (group discussion). Up to 5 points based on quality of answer, with zero by default.
• What does a perfect day look like for you? We’re looking for people who are active, helping others, learning– not vacationing and spending money. Up to 5 points.
• Discuss how community managers grow into managers– what makes a good manager? Up to 3 points.
• Long-term, strategic fit. 0 to 5 points, with 5 being incredible.
• Add up scores for each candidate.
• Score as “hell yes”, “maybe”, and “no”.
• Maybe means no, of course.