Only 119 more days …

… Until Christmas that is, the culminating point of the holiday season. Are you going to be ready?

Most people start doing their holiday prep around Black-Friday.


We shouldn’t have to tell you, but as a marketer, if you wait until Thanksgiving to get ready for the Holidays you’ve burnt the chicken or turkey, or whatever.

As a marketer you need to be ahead of the curve. If you want the holidays to be successful for the brands/products you’re working on the time to start preparing is now.

Wait until November and you’ve fallen behind. As with any task the first challenge is getting started. Facebook has shared with a us their checklist to navigate through the holidays.

Holiday Campaign Checklist 2016

On top of that here is a list of their Tips and Tricks to help make this years holidays a success.

Holiday Planning Tips & Tricks

Lastly make sure to take advantage of current trends among users. Facebook reports that 52% of people buy gifts for themselves and mobile shoppers are 1.8x more likely to do gift-research on Facebook.

How will this impact your marketing efforts this holiday season?