How the Raw Honey Shop Can Increase Their SEO and Sales in the UK and Europe

Let’s analyze how The Raw Honey Shop, which Tim Walker owns, can improve its SEO and sales by serving the UK and Europe.

When we look at the top pages, it’s still mainly the homepage, even though they have a number of other blogs on raw honey.

The Raw Honey Shop
Top page for The Raw Honey Shop

But like most successful e-commerce sites, these other pages should have more juice for them, so it’s not mainly dependent upon the homepage.

So, from an SEO standpoint, I’d like to look at what other terms are in striking range—that is, they’re not in the top three, but they’re in the top 10—that improve some of these URLs.

The Raw Honey Shop Ranks Well for Raw Honey, but What Sets It Apart?

It’s about the trust and connection their customers feel, transcending mere price comparisons with supermarkets like Tesco.

The Raw Honey Shop
“raw honey” is the keyword that ranks high

If email, primarily text-based, is effective, they could leverage social platforms like YouTube and Facebook for richer engagement, possibly through a Facebook group rather than just a page.

The Raw Honey Shop SEO Performance Isn’t the Issue; It’s About Storytelling

Customers aren’t merely choosing their honey for its features; they’re drawn to the narrative. Transitioning from an e-commerce feel to a more boutique, storytelling atmosphere could enhance this experience.

Imagine being in a boutique shop with Antonio, exploring the San Martín Mountains, and testing lavender honey straight from the comb. They should aim for immersive storytelling, even if they start with simple enhancements like more images or varied content.

If email’s working, social media can work too; it’s about conveying that same story and connection. 

According to Shopify, their lifetime value (LTV) is about £165 and their average order size currently stands at around £57.

Interviewing their customers about their lifestyle choices and honey consumption habits could be compelling content. It’s not just about the honey itself but the broader narrative around it.

Testimonials can be reframed as interviews about lifestyle choices, offering valuable insights into the customers’ perspectives.

The Key to Unlocking Sales Potential Lies in Storytelling

Perhaps there’s been a reluctance to explore video content fully, but a simple channel shift could yield significant results. Social media could broaden their demographic reach, potentially engaging a younger audience.

It seems there are several straightforward steps to enhance their connection with the right customers, focusing on understanding and amplifying what resonates with them.

Despite not actively engaging in social media, their SEO has improved, likely due to the exceptional quality of their product and service, which leads to word-of-mouth promotion. Their ranking for “raw honey” is a testament to this organic growth.

It seems they have reached a critical mass, experiencing a significant sales increase over the past nine months. This indicates that their success isn’t solely reliant on SEO or social media efforts. Their product’s excellence and customer satisfaction are driving this growth.

However, enhancing their visibility for key terms like “raw honey” could further capitalize on their strengths. Expanding into related terms, such as types of raw honey, could help broaden their reach and solidify their position in the market.

The Raw Honey Shop
Using ChatGPT to get more keyword ideas for The Raw Honey Shop

They have shared recipes that performed well on Facebook but haven’t been getting much traction lately.

They have also tried boosting posts and they have seen some occasional sales as a result.

Boosting posts that provide valuable information or tell compelling stories could be more effective, especially targeting our existing fans and custom audiences.

Running a Dollar a Day campaign for these posts could be a no-brainer, allowing the successful ones to continue running.

For example, posts about interesting facts or historical narratives related to honey, like those about the ancient Egyptians, could captivate Tim’s audience.

Overall, content that educates and entertains about honey could be a valuable asset for boosting engagement and sales.

Tim Can Also Start a Honey Podcast

It’s a straightforward endeavor that could serve as a platform for storytelling, where he could discuss various aspects of Honey and his journey as a founder.

Finding a name for the podcast could be the first step. 

Using ChatGPT to find name for Tim’s Podcast

Once established, he could leverage the content across different channels, following the four stages of the Content Factory approach.

Since Facebook is his top social channel, transitioning content from email to Facebook makes sense due to the demographic alignment.

What about Instagram? While it’s owned by Facebook, it may not be the best fit for Tim’s content unless they focus on deeper storytelling, which resonates more with their audience.

Regarding visibility, occasionally showing his face could enhance the connection with his audience, even if he is not aiming to be an influencer.

The Raw Honey Shop website seems to feel too much like a shopping cart and not enough like a personal magazine or a storytelling platform. It lacks the depth and narrative that could truly engage visitors.

The Raw Honey Shop looks like a shopping cart

Instead of Just Presenting Images of Their Products, Why Not Accompany Them With Blog-Style Posts, Videos, and Stories?

This would help to create a more immersive and captivating experience for their audience.

For example, a simple picture of a jar of honey from Mount Olympus could be transformed into a compelling story about Greek mythology and the significance of honey in ancient culture.

When it comes to social media, instead of simply copying content from their emails, they should consider sharing video stories that capture the essence of their brand and products. Authenticity and storytelling are key and don’t need to be highly produced.

Ultimately, the goal is to collect a variety of stories and content through their podcast and other channels and then repurpose them across different platforms to maximize their impact.

Collecting stories and videos from their customers in a straightforward, authentic manner could significantly enhance their digital presence. They don’t need to mimic influencers; their plain-spoken, trustworthy approach is what resonates with their audience.

They’ve already built a loyal customer base and rank well despite not fully utilizing other digital strategies. Expanding into the US market and partnering with other businesses, such as those in the extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) industry, could further amplify their reach.

They should consider introducing gift baskets and sampler sets, which allow for higher markups and cater to different customer preferences. They should also engage with their customers through Zoom interviews to gather their stories and feedback, which can then be shared across various channels, including social media and email.

Producing this kind of authentic content will not only enhance their SEO but also create a deeper connection with their audience, ultimately driving sales and growth. There are numerous opportunities to leverage ads, images, and videos to further showcase their products and brand.

Looking to unlock your website SEO potential?

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Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu is co-author of the #1 best-selling book on Amazon in social media, The Definitive Guide to TikTok Ads.  He has spent a billion dollars on Facebook ads across his agencies and agencies he advises. Mr. Yu is the "million jobs" guy-- on a mission to create one million jobs via hands-on social media training, partnering with universities and professional organizations.You can find him quoted in major publications and on television such as CNN, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, NPR, and LA Times. Clients have included Nike, Red Bull, the Golden State Warriors, Ashley Furniture, Quiznos-- down to local service businesses like real estate agents and dentists. He's spoken at over 750 conferences in 20 countries, having flown over 6 million miles in the last 30 years to train up young adults and business owners. He speaks for free as long as the organization believes in the job-creation mission and covers business class travel.You can find him hiking tall mountains, eating chicken wings, and taking Kaqun oxygen baths-- likely in a city near you.