Welcome to The Dollar a Day Coaching Program!
Congratulations on taking the leap to join our Dollar-a-Day Coaching Program! We're thrilled to have you on board and look forward to helping you achieve your business goals.
Here are some tips to get you started.
1. Read Through the Courses and Guides:
We've meticulously crafted our comprehensive courses and guides to provide you with valuable insights, strategies, and techniques. Dive deep into these resources to gain a solid understanding of the principles we'll be exploring throughout the program.
2. Implement the Process Yourself:
Knowledge is power, but implementation is where the real growth occurs. Put what you learn into action as you go, step by step, and lean on support from our community to overcome any challenges that come your way.
3. Define and Achieve Your Business Goals:
Our mission is to support you in achieving your business goals. No matter what your goals may be, our program is designed to help you meet or exceed your goals. For help defining your goals, follow our Goals Checklist to plan and execute a successful advertising campaign:
❏ Define your mission (start with WHY) and identify the desired outcome and customer segments.
❏ Identify your primary goal(s) in the next 90 days.
❏ Determine your target Cost per Acquisition (CPA) or Return On Ad Spend (ROAS).
❏ Determine your ads budget relative to campaign goals (optimizing for clicks, page likes, form submissions, etc.).
❏ Determine the value of your fans using one of the 3 outlined methods.
❏ Choose 1 key metric for each funnel stage: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion (#ACC).
4. Ask Questions and Receive Direct Support in our Facebook Groups:
Our vibrant Facebook community is a hub for interaction, collaboration, and support. Don't hesitate to ask questions, seek advice, or share your thoughts. The collective knowledge and experience of the group will be instrumental in your growth. Check your email for the secret passphrase then join the private content factory academy group here.
As part of this program, you'll have access to direct support from our team and fellow participants within the Facebook group. We're committed to providing timely responses and personalized assistance to help you overcome any challenges you encounter.
5. Post Success Stories:
We celebrate victories, big and small so share your achievements, breakthroughs, and questions in the Facebook group. Your success stories inspire others and motivate the entire community to excel. Don't forget to check in regularly for updates on our latest training.
Start connecting with other like-minded marketers! You'll also see Dennis and our specialists there to support you. Let's make this journey towards success a successful one!
Once again, thank you for entrusting us with your business growth. We're honored to be part of your journey and are confident that together we'll achieve remarkable results.
Best regards,