My friend, Ali, told me he got laid off today.
Not sure how he’s able to pay rent due at the end of the month, pay his bills, or care for his kids.
Other restaurant and retail workers are losing their jobs– and it’s not their fault.
My heart breaks.
Same for workers everywhere– even entrepreneurs and agencies– as Corona rips through the economy.
Loss of jobs leads to loss of spend, which amplifies the vicious cycle of job loss and less spending.
Many folks being cooped up inside are inspired to learn how to do digital marketing or even start their own digital marketing agencies– to use the time wisely.
So for the next 28 days, we’re providing ALL our training completely free to anyone who wants it.
They only have to send a message to with LOVE IS KIND as the subject line, plus what their goal is.
Also, we are hiring like crazy, since there are a lot of good people who are willing to work, but stuck in unfortunate circumstances.
If you want to either grow your business or become a digital marketer, we will help you get there.
By training up both the demand and supply sides, we can introduce people to each other– to create good jobs for everyone.
In addition to making ALL our courses free temporarily, we are opening up our Academy to anyone who wants to join— also for FREE.
You can ask whatever question you want there and get support from the community and our team.
We are all in this together, so this is how we can help each other solve problems.
Link below— no need to be a client to join.