Simple Step-By-Step Podcast Processing

Upload raw footage to Descript

Drag and drop file from camera or Zoom into a new project. Transcription happens automatically, pulling from your monthly credit allowance (you can buy more minutes and they're cheap). Upload to shared Google Drive or Dropbox just in case, too.

Apply Studio Sound

To remove noise and make voices clear in just one click. Many places to do it-- Descript recommends hitting the Clip Inspector (top right), clicking on the file, then hitting "Studio Sound" toggle. This applies it to the entire file.



Remove filler words-- 605 um's, ah's, you know's and such in this 65 minute file


Detect transcription errors


Trim beginning and end

We typically have a few minutes of banter and show planning before officially starting. And after the podcast is "over", we riff for a couple minutes to have promo clips we use for marketing. We also like to do a few silly poses so that we can use them as thumbnails-- most often when we are in person.

Publish draft

Publish draft for external editors to start writing show notes. Anyone who has the link can view it.


Make sure you are in company Drive workspace, not "My Workspace"

Make sure the project is within a company Drive workspace, not "My Workspace", which is the default. Only you can see what's in "My Workspace". If you accidentally created the project in "My Workspace", you can still move it easily.


Export to YouTube

Now your video editor (who doesn't have to be a true video editor) can add in opening and closing bumpers, lower thirds, and other templated bits that require zero new designing. Export final version to YouTube (or raw version as unlisted): Hit "share, then "export", and choose "YouTube".


Publish to all other channels

Publish to all other channels: If you have a paid account, you get integrated publishing.


Publish to all other channels

Publish to all other channels: If you have a paid account, you get integrated publishing.


Publish to all other channels

Now you're ready to market your podcast episode. Pull out the snippets at the end of the show to create bite-sized bits to run as square and portrait (9:16) on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other channels. Boost for a dollar a day or more across one or multiple channels, depending on how important this episode is to you (low, medium, high).