How to Land Big Deals
Office Hours
- Step by step process on how to get connections and land big deals.
- Get proven ways how to provide a value and earn relationship with potential client
- Learn to use AI search tools to get leads and connections.
This Course will Help you Build Connections and Land Big Deals.
In this episode of Office Hour, Dennis Yu shows a real behind the scene step by step process of how he was able to get and close a deal. You will learn some of the tools you can leverage in finding your potential clients, how to deliver your value, build relationship with them and grow your network.
By the end of the course, you will learn tips and process on how to land big deals that will hep you:
Know your audience: Identify their pain points and goals
Find out how to build relationships with potential client.
Find out what are the powerful tools that can create posts and get leads for your business