Content Factory 9 Triangles Framework: A Checklist for Business Success
We partner with schools to provide paid training for young adults, funded through the sale of packages. We are a learning software company based upon the 9 Triangles Framework. The 9 triangles comprise the entire Framework for the Business Triangle:

The top triangle is mission: what we stand for, holding the Specialist as our primary concern. (WHY)
SBP: Specialist, Business, Partner: The Triad.
The 3 triangles of marketing hold the middle level. (HOW)
● ACC: Audience, Consideration, Conversion: the funnel.
● MAA: Metrics, Analysis, Action: Optimization/Iteration.
● GCT: Goals, Content, Targeting: Business strategy.
The 5 triangles of business anchor the bottom level. (WHAT)
● DDD: Do, Delegate, Delete: Personal efficiency.
● CID: Communicate, Iterate, Delegate: Leadership.
● LDT: Learn, Do, Teach: Career path.
● CCS: Content, Checklist, Software: Word of mouth.
● MOF: Marketing, Operations, Finance: Business functions.
9 Triangles Checklist
❏ Understand the Triad
❏ Learn about the triangles that make up the “marketing” portion of the Framework of Business
❏ Learn about the triangles that make up the “business function” portion of the Framework of Business
❏ Understand the principle pairings of triangles and concepts
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