What You Should Have Done by Now

There are some things you need to do as a new member after onboarding. Please refer to the list below to know what these are.

  1. Finished or started studying the Level 1 Virtual Assistant and 9 Triangles courses
  2. Personalized your accounts: Google (includes Gmail), Basecamp, WordPress, Academy, and YouTube
  3. Added your picture to your Google and Basecamp accounts
  4. Created a LastPass account and installed the Google Chrome extension (use your company email for the account)
  5. Provided Operations with your information which will be added to the Team Roster.
  6. Familiarized yourself with the other members of the team (see the Team Roster)
  7. Got with your team lead and introduced yourself
  8. Checked your email

What You Should Do Next

  1. Read and understand what's in the Operations Process Guide.
  2. Start checking in every work day before starting work.
  3. Start your day right by going through your inbox first. Aim for Inbox Zero daily.
  4. Go through the required training listed in the next section.
  5. Familiarize yourself with Basecamp.
  6. Familiarize yourself with our Google Drive.
  7. Familiarize yourself with the Asset Tracker. It is where we document all our digital assets.
  8. Familiarize yourself with the 1,000 Tasks Library.
  9. Ensure you have access to the items listed in the "What You Should Already Have by Now" section. If you need access to something, submit a request.
  10. Update your team lead on your training progress.
  11. Start submitting your End-of-Day report daily. Don't skip this, please. We check for compliance every day.
  12. Learn how we do things, and do them yourself. When you have done something successfully at least three times without anyone's help, you can help us train other team members.
Previous Section: What You Should Already Have by Now

Next Section: Recommended Courses for Team Members