As a business owner, you should be working on, not in your business. If you’ve been struggling to scale what you’ve worked so hard to build, it’s probably time to hire people who can help free up more time for you so that you can divert your focus on growing your business.
Watch Dennis get with Jonathan Pantalis, founder of Phi Kind Organics, to discuss scaling a business by getting the right people. They focus on managing virtual assistants and the complexities involved.
When you have people you can delegate responsibilities to, you can save valuable time for yourself. This episode provides valuable insights to help you find and secure ideal team members for your business.
Here are some snippets from the episode
What the course will teach you: You will learn how to find the right people and determine who is the best fit for your team. Here, Dennis and Jonathan share lots of personal experiences with us so we can avoid going through what they went through with bad hires.
What the course won't teach you: This episode will not walk you through the process of finding a VA for you. We have a course for that, VA Hiring.
Who is this for? This episode is for any business owner who is struggling to scale because of a lack of trust to delegate tasks or entrepreneurs who have yet to hire virtual assistants for their business.