Agencies, This is How To “Sell” Digital Marketing to a Local Service Business

Agencies face a catch-22 situation where it’s hard to be able to generate more business if you don’t have a growing robust agency. It’s a struggle to drive leads and sell digital marketing to local service businesses. The common misconception is that agencies need to start marketing, have a website or offer services for free to attract clients. However, this approach results in a mess of random clients that are not scalable, and every solution becomes customized.

Therefore, it is critical that you have a framework at a strategic level that can be implemented irrespective of the niche your clients are in or the size of your agency. This will drive sales with local businesses.

Start with the “Why”

The marketing funnel is a critical piece in the marketing process. That’s the “Why”, “How”, and the “What”, which is the same as the “Top”, “Middle” and the “Bottom”, the “Know”, “Like”, and “Trust” or “Awareness”, “Engagement” and “Conversion”.

3x3 grid will help you sell to local service businesses

To attract clients, start with the “Why” by making short videos that show your values and who you are as a person. Make videos showing gratitude and showing moments in your life that have a larger story so that people are able to connect with who you are as a person and the things that you believe in.

The Next in Sequence – The “How”

The “Why” sequences into the “How” because once people know who you are, it is a question of reciprocity, about proximity where people that you go to school with or that you meet at the supermarket are more likely to do business with you. So you show them how you do something.

digital marketing

Let’s say you take our Social Amplification Engine (SAE) course, which is a six-phase process and includes, among other things, step-by-step guides on:

  • how to set up plumbing and tracking;
  • setting goals;
  • cross-channel marketing;
  • building a 3×3 grid off a Content Library;
  • collecting mentions and reviews;
  • targeting audience and all the different ways of targeting keywords on Google;
  • targeting on YouTube;
  • targeting custom audiences;
  • amplifying what’s working – boost posts through a Dollar a Day strategy; and
  • optimizing your budget through MAA – Metrics-Analysis-Action will help in identifying issues and opportunities within the first five phases of SAE and taking appropriate action to optimize.

The good news is that we have already implemented SAE for several real estate agents, mortgage brokers, chiropractors, nail salons, personal trainers, and almost every vertical out there.

It took me 23 years to come up with this and other related courses, and I am still improving upon them as I learn. Maybe you could do it in 15, but it still will take you a while. And plus, we have the backing of GoDaddy, Infusionsoft, Social Media Examiner, and other similar organizations. So might as well just leverage what we have.

You can take our course, the entire SAE, get certified, put your logo, name, your image, your colors, and your branding on it and say, “Look, I’ve got a course that’s proven, that has run through thousands of different businesses.”

You’re showing that you have a backing and a history behind you.

Demonstrate how you do something by offering a course, like the SAE, which can be customized and turned into videos, manuals, and articles for your website and social media platforms.

Do a bunch of ‘how’ videos. You might say that you don’t know how to do digital plumbing, goals, content, and targeting, or any of these phases. That’s okay. You don’t have to. You just have to know enough to be able to talk comfortably from a business owner’s standpoint about the purpose of each phase and how each of these different phases works together in a sequential manner. So come in and fill in these videos, and you can even follow the scripts that we already have.

Jeremy Ross Miller on Twitter quotthe 4 components of the one minute

So you can start checking these boxes, saying, yes, I’ve got my videos here. Three minutes on each of these, loaded up into my YouTube library, loaded up into my Content Library, transcribed into a blog post, and turned in the guides and articles. You put those articles together and you have a book, and now you have a body of knowledge with your fingerprints all over it.

So when you put this stuff out there saying, “Look, I have a proven process on how this stuff gets done, and it wasn’t invented by me,” that will carry more conviction. The last thing you want to do is get on an airplane where the pilot says, “Oh yeah, I invented this new way to fly!” No, you want something that’s been done over and over again.

Just like Lasik. You want something that’s been done over and over again, and you say, “Look, this process I can implement reliably because it’s something that’s been done over and over again.”

Whether you are a chiropractor in Dallas, Long Beach, Long Island, or Lubbock, it doesn’t really matter; it will still work.

Follow the “How” with the “What”

Follow that up with the “What,” which is basically the service that you are offering.

When you show your knowledge and expertise under the “How”, it gives you authority and attracts potential clients. They may approach you to do the work for them, and you can offer them a package at a cost.

You do something, and you’re targeting, let’s say, chiropractors. Then pretty soon, some of these chiropractors may see one or two of your pieces of information. They may see some of your “why” content. They will realize, “Wow, he’s already done this for three or four chiropractors. He’s pretty good. I’m a chiropractor. Before, I was like, I don’t know who this is, but now this is probably somebody I need to pay attention to!”

So when you have that omnipresence, and you’re constantly sharing the ‘why’ and the ‘how’, you’re going to find people coming up to you and say, whether it’s online or an instant Messenger or Twitter, “Man, I see your stuff everywhere!” That’s how you know it’s working.

Then at some point they’re gonna come in saying,

“Okay, man, I had no idea that there was this whole process of setting up Google tag manager, of editing videos, of hiring virtual assistants, of building websites, of making sure I’m able to rank inside Google, of being able to make sure I have retargeting and all the different things. All the stuff you’ve been teaching, can you just go ahead and do it for me?”

And that’s when they come in and buy a package.

The key thing to understand in order to drive sales is you don’t want to just get a random business to give you money. You need to get the right client. And that means it’s got to be defined by a package.

The course leads to the package. Many of you are trying to sell packages, and if you don’t have the course that precedes the package, what’s going to happen is you will get with people on the phone, and you will be giving out these one-hour free strategy calls.

Don’t do that. You’re just giving away free consulting. They’re not qualified, nor do they know who you are. You don’t have any authority. It’s not clear that they will pay. If you’re in the world of sales, then you know something called budget – they’ve got to be able to afford you; authority – they should have the authority to be able to spend the money; need – if we run an emergency room and people are coming into the emergency room, that’s a clear need. That’s inbound marketing. They came to us; timing – maybe they need it, but maybe not right now.

If you use this model and have a clear package, then you’re more like an emergency room surgeon, more like a hospital. You’re putting your content out there, and then they’re coming to us.

If any one of those four things is not there, they’re not going to buy.

A package or a course is the same thing. A course is basically a checklist that they can use if they want to do it themselves; you’re providing them literally all the information that’s proven. Especially if they’re one of those people who want to waste your time and think your time’s only worth 10 bucks an hour or so, then just give them the course and save your time for potential clients who understand your value better.

So “Done for You” is the parallel to “Do it Yourself.”

That’s how you get around the chicken and the egg.

Selling a Package

Now, you might say that you neither have the time nor the resources to build all those courses and all the other elements; that your priority is to generate income right away.

What you do then is decide on which package you can confidently implement.

For example, you may be good at implementing Digital Plumbing which is the first of the six phases in Social Amplification Engine.

You could create a one-pager that lists exactly what it is as an overview. You could say that digital plumbing is where you get all your tracking and analytics in place. At a fundamental level, you will set up the Google Tag Manager, and with that container, include Google Ad word, Google Analytics, Facebook ads, some of the UTM parameters, and some of the Facebook custom audiences so that the client has the ability to get analytics and measurement.

Also, say why it is important. Because if you’re flying in the dark or with the blindfold, you won’t know what’s working and what’s not. And if you’re running ads, creating content, or engaging in any kind of campaign, you want to be able to tell what’s winning and what’s losing.

You then need to decide who it is for – could be a chiropractor, a real estate agent, or any other. Choose whatever your niche is. There are three kinds of niches:

  • There’s a niche by a LIGHTHOUSE, meaning the local service vertical – plumber, dentist, doctor, whatever. It’s nationwide, but you’re choosing local service businesses. They differ only by geography.
  • Two is you’re choosing a city, so all the people in your city, but it could be a mix of different kinds of businesses instead of that one kind of business.
  • And three is a skill specialty. You do SEO, you do video, website building, whatever.

Here are the points to consider when selling a package. Make videos of each of these in advance to save time in explaining each of these to every client:

  • The X-Y-Z Model – Whatever vertical, whatever category you choose, make sure you’re very clear on who this is for, and you’re saying it over and over again based on your X (I help chiropractors), Y (drive more phone calls), through Z (step-by-step digital marketing);
  • What’s the benefit? (not the features). Why would they be willing to spend money from a business standpoint? For example, when you are going to get more conversions because your website’s loading faster, loading faster is a feature, whereas the benefit is more conversions;
  • Who’s it for? Which is reflecting the X. Be clear on what your LIGHTHOUSE is so that you don’t say yes to everything;
  • What we do – so show the one-page checklist (from the course). State that everything that you do is governed by a process (link it back to your course) and that you will not be doing anything that is not within the area of your expertise but will refer to an expert in that particular field. That will give them confidence that whatever you say you can do, you are an expert in that field. So don’t say yes to everything;
  • Criteria and requirements which is very important. You will need to tell the client that in order for them to buy this package and be successful, you will need the Goals, Content, and Targeting from them, be an existing business where they have positive reviews (not a start-up). In other words, make it clear what you are not. For example, you don’t take companies that don’t take good care of their customers and are not multilingual. In the same way, a chef has a recipe, if you don’t have those ingredients, then they can’t cook;
  • Process – Reiterate we’re going through this process – One, two, three, four, five, and
  • Call to Action – For example, tell the client to contact you to help them get their digital plumbing in place. Provide your direct phone number and direct them to the button to click on, and indicate your price.

For the ‘done for you,’ whatever you’re charging, you should probably double your prices. That’s the most common advice I give. Digital marketing consultants are normally afraid of losing all their clients. You’ll lose a few, but you’ll end up making more money. And then the people that didn’t really value you, they will leave. It’s a real test. So if your clients are really happy, you can double your prices. You’ll double your revenue and you’ll lose 20%, maybe 30% of your clients.

Charge based on results, not based on the number of hours you spend.

The Digital Audit – A Package to Get Packages

You could tell a potential client,

Hey, there’s this whole system of Social Amplification Engine. How would you like an expert, someone who’s trained in this process, to audit these different things? I’ll come and look at all the stuff and I’ll figure out, you know, of all the things that are going on in your business, what working and what isn’t, for just $97.”

It just depends on what you’re including. You can have a very basic audit; there’s something called the Snapshot Report, which has different areas like reputation management, SEO, website, PPC, and social media. And so when you have a scorecard, grade each of them and recommend a course of action for the ones that are not doing well – could very well be one of your packages!

Everyone understands the idea, especially if you’re working with professional service firms that are selling through relationships like dentists, chiropractors, mortgage brokers, and real estate agents; they’re all selling. They’re selling based on relational expertise. And that’s what you’re doing too. You’re a professional like them, and you’re not trying to hackle down the price with the chiropractor.

And then, of course, you make your video on each of those components. Again, you’ve pre-made it, so you never need to explain what you do and why you do it, and how it works ever again.

And here’s our dirty little secret!

For this snapshot report, if you are on the Vendasta platform, the system generates this automatically, and it’s free too. They give you a certain number, like five or ten free reports per month. And if you end up having to pay, I think it’s like two bucks.

So imagine you put in the name, address, and phone number of a particular business, and press the button. It generates a snapshot report in 24 hours after collecting data, like mentions, reviews, and stuff like that.

The machine is running and gathering data, and it does all this work for you. It puts your name on it. Then it will send it out in your name with your logo.

All you have to do is walk the client through this snapshot report and charge them the $97. Even if it’s $47, it doesn’t matter because this report card of the things that are broken is going to then drive other packages that they’re going to buy.

As long as you know how to talk about these different components, you’re going to close that client because they’re already in the mindset of, here’s a framework that results in a report that in turn results in some kind of action.

So we call this Metrics-Analysis-Action. That’s the same thing as collecting the vitals, the blood, the x-ray, the diagnosis, and the treatment.

Place Your Assets Where People Can See Them

I can’t tell you how often people screw this up! I see some people will go as far as creating videos for their packages; they’ll make their YouTube videos, get all excited one day, and then stick it on a landing page, but that landing page gets no traffic.

They spend all their effort trying to make a beautiful website. What’s the sound of one digital marketing consultant falling in the forest? You can’t hear it because there’s no traffic.

So you have to take that and put it on a landing page. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. A simple free WordPress website will do it. Post it to your Facebook page and maybe your public figure page. You will post on LinkedIn. Maybe you’ll come in and boost it too for a dollar a day to make sure that your content’s being seen against the target that you have. I help X achieve Y through Z, right? Y is the benefit, X is your target, and Z is all the training that you have. Everything fits together. X, Y, and Z is also the elevator pitch. It’s your summary of who you are.

So you put all the content out here, you’re amplifying it, and something magical happens when you follow this process of you teach what you do first, and you just give it transparently. Even if you’re giving away our stuff, which is kind of amazing, it’s like an Indian giver. We give you something, and then you give it to them. That’s okay by us because we want to see you win. You put all this training, which you’ve customized, put your name and face on them, and ideally, you go through the training so you understand it. You’re not just an actor.

You turn it into a package. Now you’re selling a snapshot report. Now you’re selling these different packages. Could be digital plumbing, could be video editing. And by the way, if you don’t like digital plumbing, I just use this as an example, then you can sell Facebook ads and have someone else implement your digital plumbing, that’s totally fine. You don’t have to know how to implement every one of these stages.

So pick the ones you can deliver. You would think that by limiting what you do, you reduce the amount of business you could generate. You think that the more you open it up, the more you say you offer, the more business you get, but it doesn’t work like that.

You should really focus on whoever that X is. I help X achieve Y through Z. So when you put this out here, people will start to buy. They’ll start to buy these audits or any other package that you are offering.

The beauty of these assets is that once they’re working, you can keep putting in more money. You don’t have to keep making these assets over and over again. Now you could, if you want to, make a better version of your optimization course or make a better version of things that you do for veterinarians, or maybe you don’t like how you talked.

Maybe when you first got started, let’s say you’re servicing a dentist, you did the best you could, but now you’ve got examples because you’ve got several dentists that you’ve done this for. Certainly, you can come in and remake some of these things. Maybe you have a better video studio, you have better equipment, you have like good lighting and things like this.

But the key is you had to get started, so now you got this thing working. Now what? Now you keep tuning this.

And by the way, if you are not getting these sales and something else isn’t working, then let me know.

Engaging with the Client

The moment someone buys, which requires a lot of trust because they’re like, “Hmm, I’m gonna give this person some money. I wonder if they’re gonna screw me over. I wonder if they’re gonna come through. I wonder if they’re just gonna leave, and I’m never gonna hear from them again. it looks like they have a legitimate process, but still, I don’t really know…”

That’s what people are thinking in the back of their minds, even if it was a referral, even if they’re a friend of yours.

So you have to overcome that, and you do it through communication. Continuously engaging with the client:

Thank You and Briefing on the Process

So the minute they buy, you have a pre-made video thanking the client for buying your digital plumbing package, for example. Tell them a little about yourself and how excited you are that they bought this particular package. Brief them on what is included and what to expect, and a brief outline of the steps in the whole process and what to expect in the next step. Tell them that the details would be sent through an email. For example, that you will collect their goals, content, and targeting and go through the access checklist.

Access Checklist (ACL)

Here again, you will contact the client and ask for access to Google Analytics, Facebook ads account, CRM, YouTube account, LinkedIn account, or whatever it is that you’re going to be working on together. Explain that once you have access, you’ll start tuning their different assets, running ads, editing their videos, etc.

If you’re editing videos, you need to go through an access checklist. There’s always an access checklist that a client has to give you access to their stuff.

Goals, Content, and Targeting

The next step in the process is, it’s time to collect their goals, content, and targeting. That is their strategy, the building blocks of the client’s business. So, for example, not every chiropractor has the same goals. Some chiropractors want to add five new patients a month, while others may want to be better known in their community. Other dentists may want to publish a book or service a particular type of customer, or their specialty is something else.

So everyone’s got a particular set of goals, content, and targeting that’s unique to that client. You must ask for it explicitly. If you don’t, then you might end up doing what you think’s a good job but fail because you didn’t listen or didn’t ask in advance for their goals, content, and targeting.

The Kick-off Meeting

This is optional just to have a five-minute meeting. Even though technically you have the goals, content, and target, and access; everything you need to be able to implement this particular package, it’s a good idea to just talk to them for five minutes on Zoom and say, “Hey, I just wanted to ask you how things are going with you so far.” And then that’s an opportunity for them to say, “Oh man, thank you so much. I love how fast you were, and you came in and checked on me, and you know, the process had been so smooth, and so glad that you threw on Twitter and the other pieces too!” Just a quick little call. Mainly just to say hello.

Send the Mid-point Report

If you say that this package is six weeks, two or three weeks in, send the midpoint report.

Just letting them know that things are going well and then send the final report. Here, when you do a midpoint status and a final report, the most common mistake is that people will put together this big report that the client never reads, so you wasted all this time.

Instead, what you do is put together a few bullet points and a few screenshots or better still from inside the Vandasta platform where the reports are already there. You make the real value when you make a one-minute video on your phone saying, “Dr. Barbera, just wanted to let you know everything’s going well. We’re nearly done with your plumbing. You’ll expect to hear from me in a couple of weeks, and we’ll go through the checklist to show all the things that we’ve done together.”

That’s it. That’s all they need to hear from you. They’re not gonna understand all the reports and charts.

The Final Delivery

You typically want this to actually be a meeting. The midpoint or kickoff is optional, but this one, you want to talk to them live because you could say, “Look, I’ve got this one-pager that’s done. I’ve got all these different things done just like we said here in the original package that this is what we’re gonna do.” You’re referring back to that same checklist for consistency.

Then two things happen:

One is they say, “Wow, this is so good, man. I’m so glad I worked with you. It was so easy. You’re very clear on what the process is!”

They’ve just given you a testimonial, especially if you have that Zoom recording on all the time.

Number two, you know what they’re gonna say? “Great. Now what’s next? Can we make some videos together? Can we now do LinkedIn ads? Can we now do one of these other things?”

And so you’ll always be doing the next thing. There’s never actually a final meeting. There’s always something next with any action.

As you start to get more clients, as each of the existing clients starts to spend more money with you, you will find pretty soon that you can’t keep up with all the work. You’d be surprised at how fast this thing can snowball. We’ve got tons of great examples of other folks who have gone through our system, whether they’re 16 years old or 60.

How to Scale Up – The Waiter and the Cooks

Let’s say that you come to me and say, “Well, Dennis, I’m really good at the relationships, and I’m not really good at the plumbing and the ads, and I’d just rather have someone else do that. That way, I can focus on the relationships and the people I know, my network, and the neighborhood.”

That’s fine as long as you understand that you’re still owning the beginning and the end of the Client Engagement steps referred to above, you’re still owning the explanation of the products and services, and pre-making these videos and explaining what’s in the package, in the same way as a waiter in the restaurant can talk about what’s on the menu, but cannot cook the food in the kitchen; the cooks are.

So when you explain to them that we need to get access, collect your goals, content, and targeting, walk them through the checklist, then the assets go over to somebody else to be processed. They can be done by tools like the Vendasta platform generating snapshot reports.

They can be done by the marketplace. The marketplace is like the Vandasta marketplace, which is qualified contractors or people on Fiverr or Upwork. There are marketplaces for people. Similar to Uber, which is a marketplace of people who will drive you. There are marketplaces for marketing services and also for virtual assistants. You can hire them onlinejobs.pH, Fancy Hands, Upwork, and so many different places.

If you’re in the United States, there are lots of places you can hire people to get the stuff done. And sometimes you’re gonna have internal staff, people that work in your office to do certain things that you can’t just assign to Fiverr or to some random person who’s a freelancer.

The beauty is that you can take all the guts off the things that you don’t like to do. Like maybe you don’t like to do ads, you don’t like to do reports, you don’t like to do pixels and plumbing, that’s fine. Just outsource these other components. Likewise, if you’re afraid to be in front of the camera or you don’t like to talk to clients because you’re more of an introvert and you’re good with analysis, WordPress, and programming, or maybe you’re a virtual assistant in the Philippines, and you just wanna do this thing because you’re really good at this thing and you’ve done it for many years, that’s great.

So no matter what it is, there are some components that you’re good at that you want to do, and there are others that you don’t want to do. Just try to balance that out.

That’s how you’re able to go from being a one-man show to being an agency. And when you do that, you’re able to put together the full range of things that you need to get done, and now you’re able to operate as a full agency.

The more successful you are at following the process as you’re documenting it, as you’re having these quick little meetings along the way, to be able to get feedback, which is creating accolades and marketing for you, creating word of mouth, you’re gonna find that you’ll be able to reinvest in creating better assets that drive more and more inbound demand to you. That then allows you to hire more and more people.

So now you’re working on your business instead of working in your business.

Imagine what that feels like. Imagine there is this process working, and your agency is able to run, and you go on vacation for a month, and everything is still able to run because you have operations people in place, you have other people that are doing different parts of the process, you have clients that are getting their reports every week, every month. You have happy customers that are referring other customers. You have content that you’ve pre-made that explains all the products and services that you do, and the system is just working, and you’re not having to reinvent yourself.

You’re not having to do 20 different random potential calls with potential clients every week, just wasting your time. Imagine what it’s like not to waste your time and not to do things that are repetitive. This is a system that we are giving to you.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because we have this process, you don’t have creativity or that everyone’s getting the exact same cookie-cutter, mindless kind of execution. There’s absolutely expertise when you have a pilot or when you have a heart surgeon, but they are following a process.

So the process for all of us serving local businesses is the same, and the framework is the same, but the ingredients that run through it are different. So another analogy would be that the kitchen has got knives, utensils, fridges, and ovens, but the special combination of ingredients that we use to cook a particular meal will be different. We can still use the same recipes and operate off of the recipes, but we need the ingredients, we need the goals, content, and targeting from the clients.

So the process starts with the plumbing so we can track everything, goals, content, and targeting, which is the client’s strategy, the ingredients that the client gives us. Be very clear that we’re collecting that from them. We may edit it, we may assist them, we may coach them on it, but this has got to come from them; their customer reviews, their explanation of their services, their happy patients, the employees, when they’re talking about what it’s like working at that company in the office, and so on.

Then we can amplify and optimize. So we’re doing one, five, and six of the six phases. They have two, three, and four. Set that expectation. Don’t pretend that you’re a full-service agency because when you start getting into things that are purely creative, then it’s very hard to measure the results, and then your digital plumbing falls apart.

So do plumbing and optimization, which are on either end of the spectrum. Optimization goes back to plumbing. Plumbing sets the targeting in pixels so that you can then run remarketing and be able to amplify.

Understand how all six phases fit together.

Starting Point for a Brand New Agency

If you are brand new to digital marketing, and this is overwhelming, what’s the answer to how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. And if you’re in that situation where you just need to generate sales yesterday, what I want you to do is start from a package and work your way back. So the package is how you make money.

Start by creating some content around what’s in the package that you offer. I would offer the starting point being the digital audit. If you don’t have many clients, just drop the price to something nominal, like $7. Don’t make it zero because zero implies that you’re just a salesperson. Zero implies, “Hmm, there must be a catch. I don’t know if this guy’s really going to do a good job.”

Charge something and watch what happens. Learn from the first three or four of the results that come from the snapshot report you go through. Learn how to talk about the snapshot report. Don’t worry about the website or a personal brand. Don’t worry about creating lots of these different videos or creating a book. Don’t worry about hiring all these other people.

Focus on yourself being an expert at digital audit. Choose a few friends or a few people in a vertical. Let’s say you’re going after dentists and you don’t have any experience in dentists. Make a post on LinkedIn or Facebook saying, “I wanna become one of the best digital marketing experts for dentists to be able to help them drive leads. Is there anyone you know that I could talk to, to interview them, to ask them about that?” You actually need to get to the point where you have one happy referenceable client.

So with that first one, you just say, “Hey, look, I’m looking for my first client. I’m working really hard. I’m going through all this different training here, and I know that everyone else is charging $397 for this audit. And for you, I wanna work really hard and turn you into like a great reference client. Is it possible that I could just do this for like $19 for you?”

Don’t make it zero. Make it some number that’s like super low they can’t say no to, you know, $20 or $97. And then document what you’re doing along the way. And then once you have that one great reference client, then you can get 10 more of the same thing. So that’s how you overcome the chicken and the egg. This is how you overcome the biggest issue that people have, which is how do you drive sales for your digital agency?

Once you’re driving those sales, then you’re gonna find the real issue is not, how do I get more clients? It’s how do I retain clients? How do I make them happy? If you find that your issue is you need to keep getting more clients, your issue is actually retention. You’re not keeping your clients, you’re not making them happy.

The average churn rate in local digital marketing is three months. That means the clients fire you on average after 90 days. It’s because of the lack of expertise driving provable results. The odds are you could be driving results, but you’re not putting in the digital plumbing to prove it. How ridiculous is that? It’s like hitting a home run in the dark, and you don’t even know it.

The solution is to specialize in a particular niche and create a package that can be repeated over and over again. The first few clients can help in developing a LIGHTHOUSE, which in turn can attract more clients in that particular niche.


This framework will help you drive more sales on an ongoing basis when you have these items already in place.

Remember, you’ve already pre-sold, and you’ve already shared your knowledge. You don’t have to get on the phone over and over again. It becomes easy.

If you’re selling at $200 for each of these packages, times six phases. Then you’re looking at a package price of $1,200, and then maybe there’s an ongoing of $500 a month. If you have 10 of them that are $500 a month, you’re looking at $5,000 of income to you per month, which is 60 K per year. That’s not too bad.

And then, once you have one of them, you can get 10 of them. You can have a hundred of them. Well, you got to scale it up once you do a hundred of them. But all you need to do is demonstrate that you have one of them that you’ve done this successfully for, and now you’ve got a reference client.

At this point, this is where people say that they don’t have the expertise, that they don’t know enough. Well, here’s the beauty. When you sell this particular package, you can actually outsource all the execution of it.

Learn this process. Learn to systematize your business. Learn to operate more like a doctor than a used car salesperson, and you’re gonna find the world of local online marketing for local service businesses is going to be fantastic.

Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu is co-author of the #1 best-selling book on Amazon in social media, The Definitive Guide to TikTok Ads.  He has spent a billion dollars on Facebook ads across his agencies and agencies he advises. Mr. Yu is the "million jobs" guy-- on a mission to create one million jobs via hands-on social media training, partnering with universities and professional organizations.You can find him quoted in major publications and on television such as CNN, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, NPR, and LA Times. Clients have included Nike, Red Bull, the Golden State Warriors, Ashley Furniture, Quiznos-- down to local service businesses like real estate agents and dentists. He's spoken at over 750 conferences in 20 countries, having flown over 6 million miles in the last 30 years to train up young adults and business owners. He speaks for free as long as the organization believes in the job-creation mission and covers business class travel.You can find him hiking tall mountains, eating chicken wings, and taking Kaqun oxygen baths-- likely in a city near you.